Redefine "Winning" at Work

Feb 3, 2025    Pastor Matt Lundy

This year, we're exploring our divine callings as pastors, ministers, and leaders. Last month, we learned how to prioritize our callings and align our actions, emphasizing the crucial "why" behind our commitments. Now, we're digging deeper into this idea by challenging you to redefine what it means to "win" in your work.

Application: Write your own "win" statements:

Step 1: Reflect on Your Calling

-What were the initial motivations that led you into ministry? (e.g., a desire to serve others, a sense of calling, a passion for sharing the Gospel) Jot down some keywords and phrases.

-What are the core values that drive your ministry? (e.g., love, compassion, truth, justice, grace, humility)

-What are your spiritual gifts and strengths? How do these gifts shape the way you serve?

-What is the unique context of your ministry? (e.g., the specific needs of your community, the culture of your church, the resources available to you)

Step 2: Craft your "Win Statements"

-List the main areas of your ministry responsibility.

(e.g., preaching/teaching, pastoral care, administration, outreach, discipleship)

-For each area, list the specific tasks you regularly perform.

Be as detailed as possible. For example, under "Pastoral Care," you might list "hospital visits," "grief counseling," "premarital counseling," etc.

-Now, for each area of responsibility you listed above, create a "win" statement. A "win" statement is a concise, memorable phrase that captures the essence of what truly matters in that area. It should answer the question: What is the ultimate goal in this area of my ministry?

Step 3: Reflect on Colossians 3:23-24 to Redefine Your Win

So, what does it mean to 'win' in ministry? We're not called to chase fleeting applause or conform to worldly standards. It's about aligning your heart with the eternal perspective of Colossians 3:23-24. Your 'win' statements, born from reflection and prayer, become a tangible expression of that alignment. They remind you that even the smallest task, when done for Christ, has eternal significance.

This month, I challenge you: Don't just create your 'win' statements; live them. Let them shape your decisions, fuel your passion, and redefine your understanding of success. Let Colossians 3:23-24 be the bedrock of your ministry, and watch how God transforms your service from a job to a calling.

Supporting Resources:

--1-on-1 Pastoral Support: Discuss this message with a pastor on our team who is available for free & confidential 1-on-1 calls with ministry leaders.

--Community with other Pastors: Join a community of pastors who meet monthly online to share wisdom, encourage each other, and pray for one another.

--Free Ministry Resources: We make curriculum, graphics, games, growth tracks, and more so you can reallocate your office hours for the relationships that matter.